Being born and raised in the islands, I have a deep connection with Maui and its people. Growing up on Maui, you are surrounded by your family and friends who become family. As a photographer, I tend to witness a family’s entire story; from their engagement session before kids, to maternity, newborn and family sessions as their Ohana continues to grow. Its very common for me to see extended families and multi-generational families…sisters and their families…cousins and their families.
I started photography when I owned a preschool where I taught for 8 years. Photographing the preschool children gave me lots of practice on using a camera and capturing the small, seemingly insignificant moments.
I realized that I wanted to specialize in newborns from the very beginning. Documenting their tiny toes, lashes, fingers. Molding them into sleepy poses is my specialty. As these babies grew, so did my photography. Baby milestones, families and maternity sessions are now a part of my wheelhouse.
Living on Maui, surrounded by my family, Iʻm more than just a photographer. Some of my greatest memories as a child is gathering at my Grandparents house in the summertime. I’m one of 8 children, so there were many parties, games, gatherings and people. I love being surrounded by them still and I know how important it is to document all of the new memories and little additions.
Outside of photography, I enjoy off-shore fishing, DIY projects and movie nights with friends and family in my outdoor patio. I limit my working weekends to one per month so that I can enjoy all of the things that balance me and keep me grounded.
From my first steps as a baby, to my first steps as a photographer, I feel like the island is simultaneously my home base, my inspiration and my support system. Without the people of Maui I wouldn’t be who or where I am today. I’m so lucky that my parents chose this island to raise their children, and that I’m surrounded by all the people I love. I’m privileged and proud to be a Maui photographer, a kin keeper and mostly, a Maui girl.
— Kristy Copperfield